Throughout my time at secondary school, I knew what I wanted to be: a nurse and a translator. Even though I decided on an apprenticeship as a nurse first, languages remained my constant companions. In 1985, I became a registered nurse. Before the start of my apprenticeship, I had spent over a year in Italian-speaking Switzerland and almost three years after obtaining my diploma, I moved to the French-speaking part for eleven years. In the early Nineties, I took a six-month trip to Spain. To be able to enrol for a degree programme in Translation at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, I first had to complete a baccalaureate. After a few successful years as a mature student, I obtained my federal baccalaureate with specialisation in modern languages in 1998. Five years later, I enrolled for the aforementioned degree programme in Translation. In 2009, I obtained my qualification as a translator. In the framework of this programme, I spent almost two years in England and used the time there to start studying for a Master of Arts in English Language Teaching, a title I have held since 2009. Since then, I have worked as a self-employed translator, proof-reader and language teacher. My most recent diploma is the Certificate of Advanced Studies for Teachers of German as a Foreign and Second Language. In addition to my main work as a translator, proof-reader and language teacher, I continue to work as a nurse for a limited number of hours per week.
Um meinen Kundinnen und Kunden die bestmögliche Qualität meiner Arbeit bieten zu können, ist für mich eine kontinuierliche Fort- und Weiterbildung wichtig.